Saturday, September 20, 2014

Being highly sensitive

This blog is dedicated to the life of a highly sensitive person and especially to motherhood. What is a highly sensitive person?
The trait is very well researched and described by Elaine Aron. We talk about a person who has a high sensory processing sensitivity. What does that mean? Someone who is easily startled by loud noise, who gets easily overwhelmed by strong smells, bright lights, chaos or many people. Someone who can sense the feelings of others, who has a thin skin, gets overwhelmed by emotions. A person with a rich and complex inner life. Does that sounds familiar? There' s a good test here. For highly sensitive people (HSP) many situations in life are processed differently. I discovered that I had this trait a couple of years back and reading about experiences from other HSPs was like finding home. I always felt different, I was the shy one, the one that had such a rich inner life but couldn't and wouldn't express it. Finally I knew there are more people out there like me and I had an explanation for situation like when I didn't like the noise from a TV even if the sound level was ok for everyone else. Becoming a mother and raising my child as a HSP was and is a very special experience to me and I wanted to share my experience with others. My husband is most likely a HSP as well and judging from my baby it's very likely he's one too. From the beginning I often felt my baby was different. That I should make other choices on how to raise him like those that were popular or recommended to me. I had to find my own way that worked best for us. I wanted to write down my experience for other HSP parents. To share, but also to help others. I hope you can find something useful for you in this blog and that my experience is encouraging you to find your own way as a HSP parent.

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