Saturday, September 20, 2014

A happy pregnancy

In traditional Chinese a baby is considered to be already one year old when it is born. One explanation for this is that the Chinese might consider that the baby has already lived in its mothers womb for almost a year. A very nice thought.
I had a great pregnancy. I was lucky to fall pregnant very quickly and I felt very good throughout my whole pregnancy. In the first 2 months I had a bit of what they call morning sickness, though for me I rather felt sick in the evenings but overall I have never felt so good in my life. I somehow felt whole, completed, as if something before was missing. I felt more balanced and had less mood swings and I loved the feeling of something growing inside me. I think the different hormone mix during pregnancy worked very well for me. While I sometimes can feel upset, lonely and even depressed, I hardly had such feelings during my pregnancy. Towards the end I became very anxious because my baby was lying in breech position but this is a different story that I will tell another time. Pregnancy felt for me like a rose cloud. It was also the time that I discovered yoga for me. I already regularly did Pilates and I tried to meditate from time to time but it was during my pregnancy that I tried out yoga and found out how good it was for me. It was also a time when I connected deeper with my body and mother nature. I would listen more to my body, feel my baby , feel what was happening in my body and I would really enjoy spending time in the nature. Going for a walk, listening to the birds, singing a song to my unborn. I developed a total dislike to any technology, especially computers. For some weeks I couldn't bear to be near a computer and I hated it to be locked up behind my computer in a dark office in my cubicle. All I wanted during office hours is to go outside, breath fresh air and have nature around me. I was dreaming of a pregnancy when I didn't have to be in an office and those strong images also influenced me later to delay going back to work after my baby was born. Especially in the first months when I didn't yet worry about the breech position I had little worries about my baby. I was fortunate to be pregnant in the Netherlands, where a midwife looks after you, where they have few medical check ups and view pregnancy as something natural and hence infuse few worries into a becoming mother. I loved to be pregnant. It felt very good.
In retrospective I believe I could also enjoy being pregnant so much as I arranged my life more HSP friendly during that time. I avoided any over stimulation. Was I exposed to it like during gatherings with many people or long nights out, I always had my pregnancy as a reason to retreat and relax. You can always use a pregnancy as a reason to ask for some alone and quiet time. Also the feeling of something growing inside me, of having a purpose was very fulfilling for me. Pregnancy was a happy HSP time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So happy for you that you had a smooty pregnancy. I see you worked toward it too, by following your inner guidance. I'm a HSP yet to be pregnant,but in that phase where one starts considering. Feeling so hopeful after this. Thank you for sharing. Could you post a bit about your labour/caeserian... and how you dealt with your child's infancy?
